Documents & Other Resources—Theology
- Accountability and the Laity (Adapted from Catholicism at the Crossroads, Paul Lakeland, Continuum International Publishing Group, NY, NY; ©2007 by Paul Lakeland.)
- The Bishops' Peace Pastoral:25th Anniversary (Bishop Thomas Gumbleton, June, 2008)
- Bridging the Priesthood's Generation GapWhy We're Different> (by Rev. Damian J. Ference, Commonweal, May 23, 2008)
- On Being a Cafeteria Catholic (by Dr. Ron Modras
- Catholic Social Teaching
- Lessons from an Extraordinary Era: Catholic Theology Since Vatican II (by Roger Haight in America Magazine, March 17, 2008)
- Constantine's Donation (Adapted from Why I am a Catholic, Garry Wills, Mariner Books, NY, NY; ©2002.)
- Creed
- An Essay on Vatican II:A Look Back Almost 60 Years Later (Robert Blair Kaiser, ACC)
- Food for Thought
- The Formation of Conscience by Anthony R. Kosnik, S. T. D.
- Liberation Theology—the Rest of the Story Adapted from A Church in Search of Itself, by Robert Blair Kaiser, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, ©2006.
- A New Counter-Reformation Starts at the Vatican (By David Gibson)
- Practicing Catholic (Adapted from Practicing Catholic by James Carroll, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, NY, NY ©2009)
- Prophets of a Future Not Our Own (Written by Fr. Ken Untener (later Bishop Untener, bishop of Saginaw) for John Cardinal Dearden; given by John Cardinal Dearden as a homily at Blessed Sacrament Cathedral, Detroit, October 25, 1979)
- Reflections on the Male Priesthood (Adapted from A Church in Search of Itself, by Robert Blair Kaiser, Alfred A. Knopf, New York, NY, ©2006)
- Religious life as prophetic life form (By Sr. Sandra Schneiders)
- Spiritual Globalization of the Seven Capital Sins (By Joan Chittister, osb)
- Spirituality and Contemporary Culturenbsp;(By Joan Chittister, osb)
- Spirituality and Ecclesial Reform and Renewal (by Rev. Patrick W. Collins, Ph.D.)
- Thanksgiving Homily 2008 (by Rev. Patrick W. Collins, Ph.D.)
- The Divide Among Priests
- The Great Schism of 1054: The Estrangement of Eastern and Western Christendom (by Bishop Kallistos Ware)
- The Primacy of St. Peter & the Primacy of the Pope: What Do These Expressions Mean and How Are They Connected? (by Vynette Holliday)
- Thy Kingdom Come: Origins of Israel and Christianity (by George Mendenhall and Charles McMahon)
- Reflections on the Year of the Priests