Educational Forums 2004–2018 (by Date)
See also: 2025 Educational Forums, Educational Forums 2019-2024, and Educational Forms by Presenter
2017 Educational Forums
Please note: Links to a Forum's Agenda and/or Presentation are given only as they become available.
Otherwise, a link refers to a forthcoming or just-given Forum on the Home Page.
Jan. 18, 2017: Sir Jeffery Abood
The Holy Land—Hearing the Call of the Mother Church
Mar. 17, 2017: Dr. Stephen Pope
A Catholic Response to the Trump Presidency
2016 Educational Forums
Please note: Links to a Forum's Agenda and/or Presentation are given only as they become available.
Otherwise, a link refers to a forthcoming or just-given Forum on the Home Page.
(Jan. 18, 2016) Robert Mickens
Inside the Vatican—Pope Francis' Efforts at Reform
April 5, 2016: Rev. Justin Kelly, S.J.
From Vatican II to Pope Francis:
Reflections on 50 Years
Dec. 13, 2016: Joseph Martos
How We Got Into This Mess
(Why Sacraments Don't Work the Way They Are Supposed To)
2015 Educational Forums
Please note: Links to a Forum's Agenda and/or Presentation are given only as they become available.
Otherwise, a link refers to a forthcoming or just-given Forum on the Home Page.
- (Jan. 22, 2015) Fr. Michael Crosby, ofm cap: Economics and the Trinity
- (May 11, 2015) Brother Guy Consomagno, sj: Sacred Scripture, Creation and the Evolution of the Universe
- (Sept. 25, 2015) Sister Dianne Bergant, csa: The Earth Is the Lord's:
The Encyclical Letter "Laudato SI!"—On Care for Our Common Home
- (Oct. 21, 2015) Sister Simone Campbell: Laudato SI!—A Call to Conversion
2014 Educational Forums
- (Jan. 30, 2014) Dr. Phyllis Zagano: Women in Ministry
- (May 15, 2014) Dr. Christopher Pramuk: Graced Encounters Across the Color Line
- (Sept. 17, 2014) Fr. Donald Cozzens: New Pope; New Hope: Out from the Underground
- (Nov. 3, 2014) Fr. Tony Flannery: People of Conscience
2013 Educational Forums
- (Feb. 8, 2013) Bishop Remi DeRoo: A Pilgrim of Vatican II
- (April 18, 2013) Fr. Roy Bourgeois: My Journey—The Catholic Worker House
- Agenda
- (May 3, 2013) Dr. Gary Macy: Women's Ministry in the Early Church
- (July 26, 2013) Fr. Helmut Schuller: The Catholic Tipping Point
- (Sept. 13, 2013) Sr. Margaret Farley, rsm: Forgiveness in the Service of Justice
- (Dec. 6, 2013) Dr. Richard Gaillardetz: Francis—Pope of the Council
2012 Educational Forums
- (Feb. 9, 2012) Sr. Nancy Sylvester, ihm: Engaging Impasse: Circles of Contemplation and Dialogue
- Agenda
- (Mar. 27, 2012) Bishop Geoffrey Robinson: Confronting Power and Sex in the Church: Changing the Culture
- (May 24, 2012) Paul Lakeland: Yves Congar on True and False Reform in the Church
- (Sept. 11, 2012) Fr. Charles Curran: Some Real Authority Problems in the Church Today
- (Oct. 31, 2012) Sr. Simone Campbell, s.s.s.: Catholic Social Teachings and the Poor
- (Dec. 14, 2012) Fr. Anthony Ruff, osb: The New Roman Missal: What Is the Problem? What Can Be Done?
2011 Educational Forums
- (Jan. 6, 2011) Sr. Theresa Kane, ihm: A Vision for the Catholic Community in the 21st Century
- (Feb. 4, 2011) Fr. Bryan Massingale: Malcolm X as a Model for Catholic Theological Reflection
- Presentation
- (May 10, 2011) Fr. Ladilaus Orsy, sj: Spirit of Obedience in a Troubled Church
- Presentation
- (June, 2011) American Catholic Council: Soundings of the Faithful: Listening Sessions on the Way to Detroit
- Agenda
- (Oct. 20, 2011) Jason Berry: Financial Stewardship
2010 Educational Forums
- (Feb. 4, 2010) Fr. George Wilson, sj: Clericalism: The Death of the Priesthood
- (Mar. 15, 2010) Sr. Sandra Schneiders, ihm: Religious Women in Prophetic Ministry Today
- (May 26, 2010) Fr. Jim Bacik: What the Spirit Is Saying to the Church through Young Adults
- (Sept. 20, 2010) Dr. Richard_Gaillardetz: Does Vatican II Theology of the Laity Have a Future?
2009 Educational Forums
- (Jan 29, 2009) Fr. Michael Crosby, ofm: Gospel Poverty in a Tanking Economy
- (Mar. 27, 2009) Sr. Elizabeth Johnson, csj: The Generous God of the Religions (The Place of Other Religions in God's Plan)
- (May 21, 2009) Fr. John O'Malley sj: What Happened at Vatican II
- (Sept. 10, 2009) Robert McClory: Faithful Dissenters
- (Oct. 16, 2009) Sr. Helen Prejean: Dead Man Walking—The Journey Continues
2008 Educational Forums
- (Jan 21, 2008) John Allen: The U.S. Catholic Church—A Global Perspective
- (Mar. 11, 2008) Fr. Thomas Reese, sj: A Survival Guide for Thinking Catholics
- (Sept. 18, 2008) Fr. David Hollenbach sj: Faith and Politics: Christian Spirituality and Working for the Common Good
- (Nov. 17, 2008) Fr. John Baldovin sj: Reforming the Liturgy
2007 Educational Forums
- (Jan 20, 2007) Jon Schoonmaker and Barbara Blaine: A Time to Listen: Comments from Victims of Sexual Abuse
- (Mar. 19, 2007) Fr. Jim Coriden: The Parish in a Time of Diminishing Numbers of Priests
- (Aug. 27, 2007) David O'Brien: The Call to Action Process
- Agenda
- (Nov. 7, 2007Fr. Bryan Massingale: Prophetic Ministry in the Church Today
- Agenda
2006 Educational Forums
- (Apr. 3, 2006) Sr. Joan Chittister, osb: Theology, Ecology, Women and World Peace
- (May 23, 2006) A Panel Discussion on the Vatican's Decree on the Formation of Men for the Priesthood Who May Be Homosexual
- Mary Black A Parent's Perspective on the Church's Treatment of Homosexuals
- Sr. Mary Ann Ford, ihm How The Church's Document on Homosexuality Has Affected Real People
- Fr. Fred Daley Sharing His Struggle with Being Homosexual in the World and the Church
- (Sept. 18, 2006) Fr. Donald Cozzens: The Challenge to Be Adult Disciples
- (Oct. 27, 2006) Robert Blair Kaiser: Making Our Church a People's Church
- (Nov. 27, 2006) Fr. Michael Sullivan, Fr. Ken Kauchek and Fr. Joe Maher: The Rights of Priests
2005 Educational Forums
- (May 16, 2005) Tom Fox: One Body—One Spirit
- (Oct. 10, 2005) Richard McBrien: Critical Issues Facing the Church
- Presentation
2004 Educational Forums
- (June 28, 2004) Fr. Michael Himes: On Ecclesiology
- Agenda
- (Oct. 25, 2004) Dr. Dean Hoge: Differences Between Older Priests and Newly Ordained Priests and of Where the Priesthood and Lay Ministry May Be Heading
- Agenda
We are an organization of priests of the Archdiocese of Detroit, strongly supported by participating laity, who seek renewal of the Church of Detroit. Our purpose is to offer opportunities for education and creating an open forum for discussion and dialog that will lead to developing and advocating more collegial solutions to the challenges we face. Membership is open to Catholic clergy, religious and laity. We firmly believe these efforts will contribute to a greater solidarity among priests and a renewed Church of Detroit.